
More about the ice cream fiasco

From my dear friend, Esta:

"I wanted to add to the great ice cream fiasco of 2005. The ice cream was gone! And I totally freaked out Nancy (I think she means Maria. I thought Maria's name was Nancy for at least three straight days . . .) to try and get it. Not funny at the time but I hope she thinks so later. She was very aggravated and exasperated. She wasn’t trying to hear anything about any ice cream. She just thought I was begging for some or something.

I asked her for it once and she huffed about needing help and how the red truck needed unloading . . .so Stefan and I went over and began to unload the red truck. I stood up there and made sure it got done and several people began to help and take things to put away. When I got the last thing out of the red truck, I went and asked her for it again. She still didn’t want to give me a minute to understand what I was talking about let alone walk up into the trailer to look in the deep freeze chest. I wasn’t gonna walk away without it and I had just put my 16 hours in and finished my area so we were well over ready to go home and had done the extra work for her that she had asked of us already. Jordan tried to help but to no avail.

I almost packed it in and left without it, but I would have felt so bad leaving it and missing out on it as a gift that Justin went out of his way to give me not once - but twice! So I held my breath and lowered my head and latched my little self onto Nancy’s arm and pleaded for her attention. When she finally calmed long enough to understand that I was retrieving Justin’s gift for the second time, she took the thirty seconds to look for it and alas it was already gone. "

Ahh . . . yep, I think it really did turn into a fiasco. Needless to say, everyone is happy again and maybe there'll be ice cream in our futures!


Jessica said...

Hmmmm. I'd almost forgotten you had a blog. For real, its been over a week since you posted and I just now noticed. Actually accidently clicked on the link hon.... you really are going to have to work harder on this. Its all about my entertainment, ya know? :) Anyway, holidays are coming...you should have plenty to blog about.

Jessica said...

Hey, time to change your profile! You changed careers babe! :)