
My absence from the blogosphere

If you read my blog often (or at least take interest when a new post loads into Google Reader or your favorite RSS aggregator), then you know I've been gone for a while. Or, as I've called it before, I was "going dark." Suffice it to say that there's been a lot going on, much of which required me to write elsewhere.

If you write with any frequency at all, you realize that there are many different reasons for writing. Sometimes, you feel the need to share your thoughts with no one but yourself - and thinking it through doesn't fully accomplish the goal. Your thoughts have to see paper (or a screen). (As an aside, there's a great blog out there, One Year of Writing and Healing, where this theory is proved on a regular basis.)

Sometimes, you feel the need to share those thoughts with your trusted advisors (thanks, guys; you know who you are). Sometimes, those thoughts can be shared with anyone who finds them - ergo, this blog.

In the past four weeks or so, my writing has been limited to the former two, and thus, my posts here haven't appeared with any sense of regularity or timeliness. Surely, if you are a writer, then you also understand that if you find yourself constrained to that ilk of writing - wherein only you and the minds of a select few understand your current mindset - then it's also no surprise that further writing is a horrible chore. When pondering some of the decisions I've been thinking of lately, completely focusing on a different topic is a horrendous endeavor. And, given that my posts often arrive later in the day, the fact that I'm completely out of energy should come as no surprise. Ergo, I've been absent from the blogosphere for a bit.

My marketing mind has a complete conniption at this realization. Although I've not checked my Analytics report, I'm sure that my readership has plummeted (with the exception of the web robots). I know that I need to post on a semi-regular basis (at least) and that it's got to be interesting to keep the readers I've got. I also know that you're supposed to give your readers a clue if you disappear, which I obviously did not do. For that, I apologize.

I've broken rules about blogging that I tell my clients to follow. Sheesh. "Do as I say, not as I do." Please.

While I'm on the topic of blogging, I might mention that I've accepted an invitation to attend ConvergeSouth with my dear friend, Melody. Of course, it now appears that work will get in the way, and I may be only able to attend the Friday evening and Saturday events, but that's life. Gotta keep the clients happy.

More later - and soon. Promise. Maybe tonight, even.

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