
I Lied

Really, I did. Well, maybe not. I did have the best of intentions of updating the blog the other day, but it didn't happen. So, it's happening now.

Here's the short and long (apologies for the list):

1) I've got a mouse. Or not. We've caught two. Evidence below.

2) I joined Facebook. Yes, it's that time waster of all time wasters. I'm not completely involved in people's lives who I wasn't really involved in for a while, most of which was A-OK by me.

3) I'm still trying to figure out the fine balance of what fits the Liz brand versus what does not on Facebook. My instincts are not nearly as fine tuned as they are with blogging yet.

4) Tournament planning has officially started again, and despite the very late request to help, I'm happy to. Luckily, it'll be a very easy year.

5) I got a car. A 2006 Infiniti G35 Coupe. Red, of course. And fast. Very fast. It's fun.

6) A week or so after getting said Infiniti, I find out that they're coming out with a G35 Convertible THIS YEAR. Figures.

7) The boy's good, but would appreciate another investor for his film. Interested? Lemme know.

8) Peter Shankman is pretty, well, wide open. Saw him at the PRSA banquet a few weeks back, and that's really the only way to describe him.

9) Very, very, very glad that I've got a job. Know of more people looking for them and unemployed right now than I'd like to. Let's hope the economy turns sooner as opposed to later.

10) Quite happy that we've got a new pres and that I got to watch the inaugration at the office. Quite unhappy that NONE of the GOP could see fit to support the economic stimulus package. Humph.

11) I also tweet now, as in Twitter. It's microblogging. I get 140 characters to tell you what I'm doing (which, to be honest, may not be all that interesting). However, I'm still learning and trying to put out decently interesting content. Let me know what you think. See the feed to the left to see what I've tweet-ed recently.

12) Went to go help a good friend from undergrad watch the moving guys pack and ship her stuff recently in Greenville, SC. I certainly think that downtown has quite a bit going for it and those downtowns trying to do the same thing had better sit up and take notice.

13) Had a good new year's, especially because I actually got a decent new year's kiss out of it. Out late, with a bunch o' friends and friends o' friends. Just a few chocolate cake shots. And green monsters. And other such wonderful libations poured by the best barkeep in the world.

14) Buffett's already announced for the summer! Woot!

Ok, that's it. It's enough, isn't it? Surely, it is. More later. Like tomorrow or Saturday later. (Because the rules for Liz time go into effect in T-30 and counting . . .)

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