
She's got a point

" When I see a word (be it LOVE or JUICY or PRIDE or SUTTON HIGH VOLLEYBALL) written on the ass of another woman, I am not envious. I am saddened and embarrassed for my sex. And if she's the mother of a classmate of my son's, I feel pity for the poor child, wondering if the first word he learns to read will be something scrawled across mommy's butt." Damn straight, sister. (Check her out here.)


Jessica said...

So I shouldn't get shorts with "Fat Ass" written across my butt?

Jessica said...

More blog! more Blog! more blog! :) Hope your pizza was good. Will row tomorrow, and I hope that you did some yoga girlie! What happened to lifting weights though? Hmmmm? Go take your vitamin!

Jessica said...

blog, blog, blog!

Jessica said...

Ok, i hereby refuse to check again for pithy wisdom from the harbour. Should you choose to post again email me! Ta....

Randy Harris said...

I think you are right. I saw a yound girl wearing a pair of pants with the words, "Juicy Town" on them.

Where is "juicy town"?