
Night at the Movies

Went to go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tonight. Marvelous stuff. Great music, effects, sound . . . the whole thing is just packaged very well.

I love fantasy films. Always have. They're always the easiest to make the "suspension of disbelief" requirement work. And it's not just fantasy films. You could basically lump everything fiction into that category for me. Books and tv series also fit the bill. (Yes, I did grow up on Star Trek. Not only Star Trek, but also Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager. Yes, that quite correctly implies I watched the series for most of my 30 years now. I'll still stop on it if I find it on cable, too.).

At the end of the movie, I was quite impressed by Harry's last lines: "We'll have something Voldemort will never have. Something worth fighting for." Of course, the implication in that is that friends and family are worth fighting for.

All I've got to say to that is, "Amen, brother."


Anonymous said...

More specifically love - All kinds of love. Love is what protected Harry in the first place. It wasn't his own power which saved him, it was his mother's and her love.

Anonymous said...

You know, J.J. Abrams is doing a Trek update with younger characters and such. (Kirk,Spock etc.)

Anonymous said...

Dumbledore was gay, JK tells amazed fans - http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,2196020,00.html