
Headaches suck.

Not that this was a great epiphany for me, but mine's annoying right now, and I thought I'd share the sentiment. The Imitrex is hopefully coursing through my veins right now, and soon I can think about sleeping.

Last day of work is tomorrow. Sent the email today, but evidently some had already heard. No matter how much you try to control the grapevine, you just can't sometimes. At least for this grapevine message, people will ask you whether it's true or tell you what they heard. For others, they just file it away in their memory. (*&^ing gossips.

Had a pretty good day, regardless. Got another chance to eat at Undercurrent (yep, I'm seeing my new friend, Ben, all too often these days) and the food was great again. Now, if I can only find out where the check from my firm for the party last week has disappeared to . . .

And here's the interesting quote of the day, courtesy of John Alexander from the Center for Creative Leadership: responsibility without authority. Ok, so perhaps it's not a quote, but it is a truism, or at least I think so. I've had several positions (paid and more so, not) where I've had responsibility, but not authority - to make decisions, to implement ideas, to solve problems. It's perhaps a problem, especially with volunteer leadership: you want true leaders, but you won't empower them to truly lead.

That one requires more thought for when my head's not throbbing, so perhaps I'll expound later. Time to feed the cat so she quits crying.

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