
My potential . . .

to be published has just increased pretty significantly.

I've been invited to be a co-author on a research paper that we'll submit to a journal at the end of spring semester. Yes, a scientific journal. No, I don't know which one (yet).

You see, over the past two years, I've invited students from the Bryan School of Business at UNCG, under the direction of Dr. Nir Kshetri, to do research on course at the tournament. The idea behind that is two-fold: (a) students get hands-on experience in market research and (b) the tournament gets the benefit of some great research, supervised by a trained professional.

We've gotten enough information to find out some motivational factors for attendees and I'm sure, as we write this paper, we'll discover even more information.

So, wish me luck! Keep your fingers crossed that it gets accepted and published!


Alli said...


Cheers to you!!!

sarahsouth said...

when i started reading this entry i though you were talking about your nanowrimo (sp?) book!

Jessica said...

OMG! How did you not mention it last night!? That's great hon. Oh, and thanks for hanging last night. :)

Liz said...

Thanks ladies! Yep, I'm pretty happy. Keep your fingers crossed.

Oh, and the prof who asked me to co-author is unaware that I've written a book, so his opinion wasn't polluted by that.

I'm still shocked.

Jessica said...

So, like, you're an academic now!