
The Recipe for a Fabulous 2008 (aka, The List for 2008)

All right. So I'm a little late in posting this. I'm doing better than I did last year, when I posted my list in Feburary. And since I'm convinced this is going to be my year (you'd not believe the number of people who've agreed with that statement; I love it), and I know that I have some part in that (Gee, really? No!), I figured I ought to sit down to decide what I could do to make it even more fabulous. So, drumroll please . . .

The List for 2008
(thankfully, with SMART goals, this time)
1) Be good to myself. I've only got one life and if my body or mind isn't healthy and happy during that time, I've also got the power to fix that. Thus, I'll:
a) Keep myself physically healthy/make myself healthier. (Note: This does not mean lose weight. In fact, I could probably stand to gain some weight. It is not a goal of mine to lose weight nor will it ever be, I think. I'm very blessed with the genetics I've got.) To that end, I'll:
- Take my vitamins everyday.
I need to take some to the office, because I tend to be better at taking them there. (I'm open to advice on this. I'd take them at the same time everyday, but while I'm a girl who likes predictability, I have no set pattern in the morning. I hope I never do.)
- Lift weights 2x a week.
Really, there's no point in me paying for the YMCA membership if I'm not going to use it for that. And. maybe, just maybe I can get myself off the old-lady medicine if I'm good about the weights and calcium this year.
- Do cardio 3x a week.
(See mention about YMCA membership above.) Oh, and I'd like to walk up the stairs at the office without being out of breath. It's one flight, for heaven's sake!)

b) Keep myself mentally healthy. Ergo, I'll:
- Do yoga 2x a week.
Not much quiets my mind as much as yoga, and it usually makes most of the knots in my back go away.
- Journal as needed, not just as the spirit moves me.
Yes, I've avoided my personal writing on occasion during the past three months because I didn't want to write what was going to come out. No, it didn't make it any easier when I wrote it finally, later. Nobody's subconcious is pretty and neat, and ignoring the problem, whatever it may be, will not make it go away.
- Do the crossword 2x a week.
Nothing better for a writer to do than to continue to try and integrate more words and phrases into one's vocabulary.

2) Have more fun. Why shouldn't this be a goal? So I'll:
- Go see some local art at least once a month.
Good thing I live in the City of the Arts.
- Have at least three parties.
I love them. They're fun. Yeah, they're also a little stressful, but it's all about the end game here, people. And I haven't thrown nearly enough parties in my life.
- Go to the beach at least once. Preferrably on less than 48-hours notice. In the United States.
I've got no reason not to do this. Love Charleston. Love Wilmington. I can get $10 flights to Ft. Lauderdale. I have a travel certificate that I could use in Destin, FL; Daytona Beach; Ft. Lauderdale; Myrtle Beach; San Francisco; Palm Springs, CA; Oceanside, CA; St. Thomas; or Honolulu. I've got no excuse.
- Go dancing, at least once, where I create the opportunity instead of letting it come to me.
- Read at least 2 books a month.

This ought to be easy. I've got enough unread books in my house to keep me busy for at least the next two years. Luckily, I've already finished one for January: Leap of Faith, by Queen Noor, and I'll be reading Three Cups of Tea next.

3) Nanowrimo, again! I really enjoyed it and I've got a book to prove it. So ...
- Edit and submit the Nano 2007 manuscript to a publisher.
(Deb, you'll get it by February!)
- Participate in and finish Nano 2008.

4) Increase my net worth.
Thankfully, unless my life really screws up (which will not happen - it's 2008, and it's my year, thank you), I'll already have increased my net worth because I've got the automatic draft set for the 401(k) and I'll be building equity in the house. The idea is to increase my net worth by more than just that amount. So, I'll . . .
- Make a budget and stick to it.
It's about damn time that I learned this well. I know it and I'm not bad at it, but I'm all sorts of jealous of people who are really good at it.
- Not take money out of the savings account, unless I've really got to.- Not take money out of the investment account I just funded, unless I've really got to.
(This would happen after the savings account, since it's not nearly as liquid.)
- Spend less than $XXX on food.
You would be appalled to know how much money I spend on food that I don't cook in my own home. I am. Which is why I'm not telling you what that number is.

5) Get my APR.
I meet the requirements to sit for it. I don't even have to pay for it. Might as well try, at least.
So, that's it. I think it's enough. It might be too much, but I think it's all a worthwhile endeavor. And so far, I'm doing pretty well.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a solid list to me! Oh, and if you have a lead on a publisher, I might be needing to speak with you about that... I am planning on finishing mine this year too! :) I hope all is well...

Jessica said...

Good list. How was the gym last night? Maybe if we find an affordable yoga class I will pick that up with you. Maybe we should check out lavendarlady again and see what her schedule is? She rocked!

Liz said...

Neil - No publishers as of yet! Will let you know if I hear of any, but I'll probably be spending some time in the library doing research!

Jess - As well as can be expected. I'm sore today, though. Figures.