
The Joy of the Season

(April 7, 1999)

It seems only yesterday when the first cold wind blew in and laid flat the wild roses and turned their canes gray. Leaves turned and dropped. Snow fell and drifted. Winter threatened to last forever.

But it didn't.

Spring runs in and out like a child opening and slamming a door just to irritate us. The birds are flirting and the wildflowers are beginning to show their heads.

It is time for a change--not only in nature, but in us. We enjoy the break between winter and spring. In our mind's eye we can see the wildflowers spreading their fragrance along the fields.

It is with the same eye that we see ourselves blooming with health and prospering beyond our dreams.

Only those who walk under a cloud miss the joy of this time, the open fields and greening hills.


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