
The scenery's changing. . .

At least it is in my part of the world. People are moving on to pursue those things that tug on their heartstrings . . . It seems as if everyone at the college is looking to move on or doing so already: a friend bravely going out into the entrepreneurship world again; another being sucked in by the 'man,' and another happily moving into retirement.

The rest of us are left re-evaluating where we stand. What do we want out of life and are we really going to get it here, at this place? For most of us, the answer is no. "Necessary evil" is exactly how I feel about work right now.

How can a place that is often noted for having great cohesiveness and friendliness from the outside have overwhelming spirit-killing power? It does happen though - the college is proof of that fact.

Even though the weather is beautiful out this time of year, today I feel like it should be a grey, dreary winter day.


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