
What is Insight?

This was posted on a co-workers nameplate today. And it intrigued me. I'd had an answer before I walked down the hall to the copier and back.

"Educated perspective with value."

But you don't necessarily have to be educated to have an insightful thought. So, ditch the educated part.

Now, we're down to "perspective with value." Well, someone who is astute and perceptive can issue a perspective. And it can have value. Doesn't mean that it's an insight.

So, what do you think about "Unique perspective with value?" That's where I am now.

Oh, btw, did I mention that I love the fact that there's conversation like this happening in my office? And did I mention that I'm beginning to think I maybe ought to work for a strategy firm or a think tank instead? 'Cause this is fun. For me, at least.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Glad you're having fun at work.