
I wonder . . .

If demolition companies hire firms to tape their demolitions (at least the ones with explosions, etc. - you know, all that stuff that makes a demolition fun) and then sell those tapes to movie producers? Wouldn't it be a good source of revenue for the demolition firm? I think so.

And yet, I realize that there are people who get paid really, really well to build scale models of buildings in 'Hollywood' so they can put mini-explosives in them, detonate them, and do lots of film editing to have it look good on the big screen.

For that matter, if you're any good, you could probably get into the NCSA film school and learn how to do that sort of thing. Oh - let me change that - if you are better than good. My husband used to recruit for NCSA and aside from Drama, Film and Dance were always the most competitive schools. If you're trying to get in, good luck. If you do get in, great job. I'd love to see some of your work in the future.

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