
Why can't some people just take "no" for an answer?!

Just wondering . . . and for that matter, why can't people just chill out?

Nothing really in particular, but really, if people are saying you're pretty strung, you need to do something about it. ('Course, if anyone has the balls to tell you that you're pretty strung, you'll probably kill them before realizing they might be right.)

Anyway, classes are over for the summer - at least for me. There's only so much about strategic managment that I can really take. I mean, I figure it might come in handy one day. I'll keep the book for that. But otherwise, it really looks like common sense!

Now, it is on to the stack of books that I've been borrowing or buying since last August (that's right, back in 2004!). I've just started the first one, and I've got 12 more to go until this August. Wish me luck!! ("Aughh!," my brain screams.)

Oh, and when Dena Harris publishes her first book, go get it and read the chapter about Cats & Yoga. Pee in your pants funny. Go girl. :)


Liz said...

Dena's blog about the upcoming book: http://www.lessonsinstalking.blogspot.com/

Liz said...

Dena's website about the book (by the fabulous Melody) is http://www.denaharris.com/lessons/.

So now you have no excuse. :)