
It's amazing how God works sometimes!

Check this one out: the story about the Ethiopian girl and the three lions (just in case you haven't heard about it, yet).

So, do you buy the mewing sound and the lions thinking that she might be a cub? Doesn't happen. They can tell by the smell of her that she's human - or heck, just by looking at her. If this isn't a sign of divine intervention, I don't know what is.


Why can't some people just take "no" for an answer?!

Just wondering . . . and for that matter, why can't people just chill out?

Nothing really in particular, but really, if people are saying you're pretty strung, you need to do something about it. ('Course, if anyone has the balls to tell you that you're pretty strung, you'll probably kill them before realizing they might be right.)

Anyway, classes are over for the summer - at least for me. There's only so much about strategic managment that I can really take. I mean, I figure it might come in handy one day. I'll keep the book for that. But otherwise, it really looks like common sense!

Now, it is on to the stack of books that I've been borrowing or buying since last August (that's right, back in 2004!). I've just started the first one, and I've got 12 more to go until this August. Wish me luck!! ("Aughh!," my brain screams.)

Oh, and when Dena Harris publishes her first book, go get it and read the chapter about Cats & Yoga. Pee in your pants funny. Go girl. :)


Sometimes, they're just so cute!

I like our airport, even though it's old. It keeps trying - they've added wireless internet, they've improved the food choices, and they're dealing with all the new homeland security stuff pretty well. They're even adding more gates (which I don't understand, because they don't have all of the gates "rented" now). And, for some reason, I've always thought that it meant we were more progressive than other areas.

In any case, I got the opportunity to visit the airport today, to pick up my husband from a trip. While there, I also got the opportunity to see human nature in action.

As many parents return from a trip, the other half is usually there. Of course, if there are kids, they are present as well. I can't tell you how many kids would see their mom or their dad and start running toward them, yelling, "Mommy!" or "Daddy!" It was so cute!

I even watched one small child, his older sister, and his obviously weary mother sitting at the waiting area for the passengers. This small child was crying, tired, and evidently missing his dad. "I want my Daddy, I want my daddy. . ." he said over and over. Less than ten minutes later, they'd seen their dad and the small child was literally trying to climb up him.

In any case, it made me think again that I could do the mommy thing - at least until I hear one crying about not being able to get on a plane himself! Guess that still passes pretty quickly.


Why don't we . . .

have Prime Minister's questions, like they do in the UK? I mean, where else can a politican tell the Prime Minister of the country that he's taken more positions on an issue than there are in the Kama Sutra?

Let's put it this way: Bush II, term II probably wouldn't have happened if we'd had four years of Prime Minister's questions.

BTW, if you don't know, you can watch Prime Minister's questions on CSPAN in the evening. Don't know what time - I always just happen upon them, but it's great.


yep, this is really where I want to be.

Like it?

Ok, so evidently they give you more choices about templates after you've already got the bare bones of your blog put up, so I decided to go with the one that fit the title.

Go figure - the template was named 'harbor.'

Cute, huh?

I wonder . . .

If demolition companies hire firms to tape their demolitions (at least the ones with explosions, etc. - you know, all that stuff that makes a demolition fun) and then sell those tapes to movie producers? Wouldn't it be a good source of revenue for the demolition firm? I think so.

And yet, I realize that there are people who get paid really, really well to build scale models of buildings in 'Hollywood' so they can put mini-explosives in them, detonate them, and do lots of film editing to have it look good on the big screen.

For that matter, if you're any good, you could probably get into the NCSA film school and learn how to do that sort of thing. Oh - let me change that - if you are better than good. My husband used to recruit for NCSA and aside from Drama, Film and Dance were always the most competitive schools. If you're trying to get in, good luck. If you do get in, great job. I'd love to see some of your work in the future.


Don't do it, Anakin!

Last night, mom, dad, and I went to see Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Neat, although I have to agree with the couple of reviews that I read that it gets a little slow at points. And, the writing could have been a bit better. For example, the short little plot development blurbs that happen - couldn't they have been more developed? Couldn't we have seen less fighting?

I have understood for years that George Lucas would make the first three movies of the first three trilogies - and I'm glad that he has. I've never read the books (although I'm usually one who does read the book before she sees the movie) and I've found the movies very entertaining. This one seemed as if they had to do it - it's such a pivotal point in creating the next trilogy. It certainly could have been done better. The others were better, although I do have to admit, I fell asleep at the end of Episode I or II (I can't remember which one) where all the small furry animals are partying.

Nonetheless, it's a good story, and as you sit in the theatre, you can't help but think, "Don't do it, Anakin! Don't do it!"

Oh well. Luke will get you later.


D**n website

Saturday's is our neighborhood association's house and garden tour. We haven't had one in several years. I sit on the board. Don't ask me how I got there. For the most part, I think it's swell. Then, there's the matter of this website.

At some point in the last year, someone decided that the neighborhood association should have a website. I tend to agree with them. And, of course, it was that meeting where everybody volunteers for committees. My first choice was the newsletter, because I tend to have a forte for them. But, someone who has sat on the board for years and years already had it, so I went for the next best thing - the website.

Well, it's taken forever to get content, find someone to host it, get the domain registered (and yet, I'm told that you can still buy domains for less than $5 at Yahoo!), and get the initial pages up, and then get the passwords to update the thing myself.

People really don't have any idea how long it takes to do such stuff! And yes, I'm an amateur on that, but I know more than most. So, take a look and tell me what you think. But if you don't like it, you've been warned.