
Grandma, again x2

(January 3, 1999, 3:47 p.m.)

You know, I'm really sorry that you and () broke up. I really did like him when I was there last year. Maybe it's because he treated me like a human being, and not just an "old lady" to put up with.

I hope everything works out for you. You're much too young to carry a burden like this on your shoulders.

Please remember that you are loved.

(January 3, 1999, 8:30 p.m.)

Alexander Pope recognized the simplicity in the Indian's beliefs. Though all tribes are rich in symbolism to express what they believe, we all basically believe in One God, One Creator, One Great Loving Spirit over all.

The Indians had their Father-Creator who was Yowah, the unity of three beings. The name Yowah was so sacred that only certain priests were allowed to say it. This same innate belief lives in each of us if we can only uncover it.

Worship is of the heart, deep, joyous, personal. It is a life-current between each of us and our Creator. We can wrongly destroy ourselves, but never the love that is beyond our understanding. It is there even when we are too stubborn to receive it.

We perceive a battle between good and evil, and we also perceive good will win.

Peace, Tawanka

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