
Things that went right today

"Sometimes more than others/
You see who and what and where/
You are . . ."
- Jimmy Buffett, Tonight I Just Need My Guitar, Far Side of the World, 2002

It's been an odd day, but I've realized that there were quite a few great things today as well. The great things show me more precisely who and what and where I am - and I'm very happy about that.

Here's the list . . .

(a) Realizing that some writer from the Business Journal thinks that everyone who reads the Business Journal knows what "je ne sais quoi" means. I can't believe the editor didn't catch that paragraph and make him rewrite it. I think it's pretty funny.

(b) Lunch with my friend Amanda and a really great mushroom swiss burger at Jay's.

(c) A really long, really awesome email from my friend Ashley.

(d) Cancelling the meeting I had tonight.

(e) Not having to go to the symphony tonight, because Jess said whatever I wanted to do was great, and I really didn't want to go to the symphony.

(f) The really nice email from my mom and the great conversation I had with her later in the evening.

(g) The high-fives and wows that I heard from my big bosses when they saw the interactive map that we launched today. (No link, I try to keep work out of the blog. If you don't know where I work already, I'm not telling.)

(h) The high-fives and wows that I heard from my big bosses when they saw the Dining web page that we launched today. (No link. See above reason at g.)

(i) My direct boss mentioning that I was great hire in front of both of them.

(j) Knowing that my friends are awesome - and having great proof of it today. "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life."

(k) Having a great discussion with my cousin/sister-in-law and realizing how much I miss her.

(l) Talking with so many people who evidently love me.

(m) Spicy guacamole.

(n) The long walk with Jess around Ardmore.

(o) Chamomile tea.

(p) A fairly decent discussion with my husband.

(q) Finding flea medicine for the cat in the pet drawer, after thinking there wasn't any there.

(r) Hearing my sister's voice on my voicemail.

(s) The free stuff coupon from Vickie's in the mail when I got home.

(t) Knowing that even though my duck is on the fritz, he's on his way to rehab, which means he's on his way back that much quicker . . . although I'm already ready for him to be back.

(u) Feeling lots, lots better in the evening than I did in the morning and knowing that tomorrow's probably going to be a pretty good day, too. At least that's the plan.

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