
Looking for focus . . .

There's been quite a bit of stress in my life recently, to the point that my body decided it needed to tell me to relax! Sheesh. So I've been thinking about what I need to do for me, what I need to do to keep me healthy, wealthy and wise.

Here's the list:
1) Make a list everyday. Stick to it. Don't add to it. Limit the list to 10.
2) Spend at least one night a week in the house doing whatever I want. No lists and no work for this evening. I'll probably spend most of this on the back porch.
3) Start getting my workouts in during the morning. I've got the time. I'm just lazy and don't want to get up earlier than absolutely necessary. The last two weeks have completely wrecked any semblance of a regular workout that I've had. I can feel it, too.
4) Drink more water.
5) Go to bed at a decent hour every night. Maybe by 10:30, which means I'm up past my bedtime tonight.
6) More duck time.
7) Buy a journal and write. (No, this is NOT my journal; remember the Going Dark post? Goes against the new rules.)
8) Make a budget. Follow it. There's so much on the line now, I'm going to get it right this time.

That's it. I'd add "spend more time with good friends," but I seem to be pretty good at that now. We'll see how I do on this for a while.

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