
What would you ask for?

At the end of this week, in true INFJ style, I certainly personified these two traits:
- Take their commitments very seriously
- Have very high expectations for themselves.

Go figure. This manifested itself through my need to be superwoman, again. I probably did much, much more than I should have for the Joint Area Meeting for the tourney.

Scratch that. I DID do much, much more than I should have. I'd list exactly what, but that's not the point. In any case, the work was noticed by those who needed to notice and was certainly appreciated, to the point where I was told to "name my price."

Hmm . . . what an interesting concept. I've also never really been one who asks directly for what I want (something I'm trying to learn to overcome), but in this case, I've got no idea of what I might want to ask for it.

Honestly, not many ideas float through my head when I'm as tired as I've been in the last three days (the fact that I slept for three hours when I got home at lunch today should tell you how much sleep I've missed this week). I quickly dismissed two ideas, simply because they were such poor ones, but then again, when you're running on such little sleep, you tend to think only about the necessities: sleep, food, sex, a clean house, a massage, the hot tub, alcohol . . . there's really just no focus.

(Side note: Odd, isn't it, that such intense focus can leave one so completely without focus a short time later? Wonder if that's why criminals screw stuff up when they're leaving a crime scene - or, in my case, why follow-up on projects sometimes takes forever to actually complete.)

I've responded to the request with this: "You decide, because when and if I figure something out, it'll probably be less than I should ask for and you're indebted enough that you'll probably over-deliver." We'll see if that theory turns out to be true.

So, what would you ask for?

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Exactly what kind of payback is this? Very strange. Oh, and call me girlie and tell me all. I'm covered in dirt and heading back out in a minute. Tried to call you.