
Of Note

I evidently need to be earning a lot more money or find a man who wants to be a stay-at-home dad, according to this post by Penelope on the Brazen Carrerist. Some very good points here, including this gem, about a coworker who has got to do everything his stay-at-home wife does while she goes out of town:

Jason was telling me that his wife went out of town for five days. She told him he had to take time off from work. He said he didn’t want to use up vacation. He said he’d be fine.

But by the second day, he was going nuts. He said, “Penelope, it’s unbelievable. I am telling the kids I’ll be there in a minute and then I send an email. And I instant message chat while I’m driving. And I take phone calls when the kids are in the other room waiting for me. This is crazy. It’s so hard.”

She later goes on to say that Jason is the kind of guy that she's competing with in her career. I see a lot of myself in this post, as I'm pretty ambitious, a bit of an overachiever and want my own kids someday. Guess it's good to know what kind of challenges I'll be facing.

- This quote, from the article about a new book about the Virgina Tech shootings in today's Journal:
It's really why I wanted to write the book, because sometimes you're just not going to have answers to "why" questions. And sometimes that knowing doesn't help. We're created for something more than just answers. We're created to experience God.

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