
Living Authentically, part 1

There's more to this topic than what I'm posting now; the thoughts are still formulating in my brain. But I was forwarded a blog post that had this great little gem in it: "If I pretend to myself that I’m different from the way I truly am, I’m going to make choices that won’t make me happy."

It's just a different way of saying, "I need to live authentically. I need to be myself - and when I am, my life will be that much more full, that much more satisfying, that much more MINE and not someone else's."

Read more at The Happiness Project.


Anonymous said...

Oh, dear. This is a sign from the gods that I gotta make some choices. I did not expect such enlightenment this morning, and now I gotta deal with harsh reality. Good grief, why did reading this (and deciding to choose happiness) make me miserable??? ugh. Liz, I bet you didn't know you were giving me a swift kick in the ass, did ya? :),

Liz said...

Sorry it had that affect on you, Amanda! You know, sometimes what makes us happiest is the hardest thing to do - because all we can see is the pain we have to go through. I can see how that might be a good time to be able *not* to live in the moment. But the pain is what makes the good worth it. It wouldn't be nearly as good, otherwise.